I am a fan of "craft exchanges". There are some crafty things I do well and there are some crafty things I rather suck at. So I like it when every once in a while I make friends with someone who excels where I am lacking and we can have a fun exchange.

My friend Rose, who I have mentioned previously in this blog and who is pictured at the left, was my room mate my senior year of college. Our birthdays are also very close together with mine being at the end of January and hers being in the beginning of February. We decided one year (if I remember correctly it was her idea) that we would exchange crafty gifts. What she desired, and I was happy to make for her, were sparkly purple arm warmers, also pictured at the left. We are very different in that respect, as the majority of my wardrobe is rather dark and hers has an abundance of pinks and purples. The arm warmers were easy enough to make, just ribbed cuffs to keep them snug and a tube of stockinette in between. And having Rose next door while I was working on them was great. I could have her try them on and let me know details on things like how long she wanted them. Something I can't really do if I am working on a project for someone as a surprise.
My present was a drawing of me (shown below with the picture she used as a reference). Rose has this amazing skill where when she draws a picture of someone...it actually looks like them. That is something that is just beyond me. I think my drawing skills are probably about average, I am ok with things like prospective and such, but whenever I try to make a picture actually look like someone I usually can't show it to them for fear they will be insulted.

I am always looking for new and interesting craft exchanges, so anyone interested should let me know!
Wow, I totally forgot that it was an exchange! Haha I started reading and before I scrolled down I was like, "Oh crap, did I ever make her something? Do I still owe her a present!?"